Alma Rotary

Alma Rotary meets at Noon every Wednesday
at 1st Presbyterian Church, 24 Oak St. Alma, AR

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Feature: Q & A

Most websites offer Q & A or FAQ pages. Not to be out done Alma Rotary is starting a Questions and Answers segment. However, it will only work if each and every member will leave a sarcastic comment after every Q & A.

Here's a sample of how it will work:

Q Do I have to wear my pin at every meeting?

A You should wear a Rotary pin everyday as a way to share Rotary with the general
public. A permanent tattoo of the Rotary Wheel on your forehead will keep you
from having to hunt down your pin daily.

Now surely you have a better answer. Just click on the word "comments" at the bottom of this post. You can put the "dot" in anonymous or sign you name then click on the button that says "publish" but please leave a comment.

Your answer might be: "I'd rather give a dollar than try and find my pin each week"

To make this successful, the more that participate the better it will be, so leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

Rotarians market their businesses, support their school athletic programs and wearing your Rotary pin is a way to let people know you're also proud to support Rotary. It's also a way to save a dollar each week, but either way, the "pin money" is going to a good cause.

Anonymous said...

Give the sargent at arms a quota and if he doesnt meet it FINE HIM.

Anonymous said...

Why not put your ROtary Pin in your body pearcing? You do have body pearcing?

Anonymous said...

You can use the Rotary Pin to attach the napkin to you shirt so they will both be handy.

Anonymous said...

Ladies can get two Rotary Pins and use them for ear rings.